Summer is around the corner and it’s important to keep your crown healthy. Winter has finally ended and now its time for summer fun. During this time we spend most of time with friends and family doing the following activies swimming, BBQ, pinics, and traveling etc… While these outside activies are fun the sun exposures and chlorine are harsh on our crowns. NO WORRIES! We have some tips and styles that can put your mind at ease as you continue your healthy hair journey.
WATER WATER WATER – Drinking 8oz of water daily stimulates the hair foiciles and provides hydration throughout your body. So DRINK UP!
MOISTURIZER- The summer months can be very harsh on your crown due to sun exposure and other activities. Apply a daily moisturizer cream or moistizing leave-in conditioner. Deep condition hair at least every two weeks. Before swimming in a apply oil to the hair. This with create a protective coat that shields the strands from saltwater and chlorine.
PROTECTIVE STYLES- Braids, Twist, Locs, Crochet, Sew-in etc… the list goes on and on. Protective styles when done properly are a great way to promoting healthy hair growth. It allows your hair time to relax and breath while looking fabulous. Ladies summer can also be a great time to rock those natural curl or afro puffs too.

CLEAN EATING- Diet plays a major role in hair growth. Fruits and vegetables are packed with the nutrients the body needs for overall health.
There you have it! Simple tips and styles to help your crown survive those hot summer months with healthy hair.
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